Monday 20 February 2012

A Quick Thought

I just realized something.Everyone has a past.You may not see it,but it's there.
And furthermore everyone is haunted by their past.Some are just good at concealing it.

I would like to quote Russel Crowe ,who played John Nash,from 'A Beautiful Mind'.

Martin:What about the, know,are they gone?
Nash:No,they are not gone.And maybe they never will.But I have got used to ignoring them and as a result I think they have kind of given up on me. You think that's what its like with all our dreams and all our nightmares,Martin?You have got to keep feeding them for them to stay alive?
Martin:John,they haunt you though...
Nash:They are my past,Martin.Everyone is haunted by their past.

As an afterthought I would like to mention that this was the last movie that made me cry.

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